Diş Çekimi

Tooth Extraction

What is Tooth Extraction? Purpose?

All kinds of tooth extractions are performed in our dental clinic in Gebze. Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth under anesthesia. In today’s dentistry, the main principle is to keep the patient’s own teeth in the mouth as much as possible by applying treatments such as filling, root canal treatment, etc. However, in some cases, teeth that cannot be saved with treatments need to be extracted.

Teeth that cannot be treated, primary teeth that have not fallen out of time; Tooth extraction can be performed for orthodontic, prosthetic, periodontal purposes.

Which teeth should be extracted?

Tooth extraction is performed for the following teeth;

    1. teeth with irreversible tissue damage
    2. excessively loose teeth
    3. teeth must be or should be extracted for orthodontic treatment purposes
    4. teeth that the dentist considers necessary to extract teeth during prosthesis construction
    5. milk teeth that do not fall out on time
    6. impacted and semi-impacted teeth.

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction can be in the form of simple tooth extraction or surgical tooth extraction.

Simple Tooth Extraction is the situation in which the tooth can be extracted without fragmentation of the tooth. Complicated tooth extraction is the situations in which the tooth roots are separated and removed one by one, extra procedure is applied in case the tooth is broken or fragmented during tooth extraction. [1]

Damages of Decayed Tooth

Even a single tooth decay can damage many organs. Rotten teeth can cause stomach diseases, kidney and liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Regular dental check-ups are required every 6 months. We should never delay treatments or tooth extraction. The organs that a carious tooth can damage are shown in the picture.


Considerations After Tooth Extraction

After tooth extraction, the following must be done and paid attention to;

  • The tampon placed on the tooth extraction area should stay for 1 hour by biting lightly.
  • Sucking, spitting and rinsing with water should not be done. When done in this way, clot formation is prevented, wound healing is delayed or there is no healing.
  • Food should not be eaten until the numbness in the mouth subsides (at least 2-3 hours).
  • After tooth extraction, very hot and very cold things should not be eaten or drunk for 8 hours.
  • The extraction area should not be played with the tongue or anything.
  • Absolutely no smoking for 24 hours. When smoking, inflammation and very severe pain may occur in the wound area.
  • It is normal to have bleeding in the form of leakage. If severe bleeding occurs, contact your dentist immediately.
  • If antibiotics were given before tooth extraction, it should be continued after tooth extraction, the box of antibioatics must be finished acording to  the dentist’s advise.
  • You can use the pain reliever recommended by your dentist, aspirin should not be used as a pain reliever.
  • Tooth extraction area should be kept clean, food should be prevented from escaping.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed for 24 hours.
  • In case of any severe pain or swelling, consult your dentist immediately.

What is the tooth extraction fee?

Tooth extraction fees vary according to the condition of the teeth, the location of the teeth in the mouth and the number of roots of the teeth. After the examination in our dental clinic in Gebze, we can give more clear and detailed information. During the examination, we also provide information about other problems with your mouth and teeth and necessary treatments.

What should be done for missing tooth after tooth extraction? Is a missing tooth important?

After tooth extraction, a dental prosthesis (a fixed bridge or an implant-supported prosthesis) must be planned. This dental prosthesis will take over the task of the teeth in the tooth extraction area. Even if the missing tooth is not in the initial years, it creates a very heavy biological bill in the long term. The problem of closing the jaws with each other due to this lack of teeth, interface caries due to hygiene difficulties and advanced gingival and bone losses are just a few of the problems that the patient will experience.

3 implants
3 implants

In cases where the missing tooth is not completed, it can cause bigger problems in the long term. The teeth in front of or behind the edentulous cavity may bend towards the cavity, the opposite tooth (the tooth in the opposite jaw) may extend into the cavity. In this case, the health of their teeth is endangered. Closure disorders and related joint disorders may occur. Bone resorption in the extraction area and bone resorption and gingival recession can be seen in the adjacent teeth. In order not to cause all these problems, necessary treatment planning should be done after tooth extraction. [1]

Tooth extraction videos

Simple tooth extraction

A simple tooth extraction is shown in the video below. 

Horizontal Wisdom Tooth Extraction Video

The video below shows a surgical tooth extraction of an impacted horizontal “wisdom tooth” tooth. Embedded teeth need to be checked by a dentist.

Types of Impacted Teeth and Horizontal Semi-Impacted Wisdom Tooth Surgery Video

The video below shows the types of impacted teeth (according to their positions) and the surgical extraction of horizontal (horizontal) semi-impacted wisdom teeth;

Movement of Adjacent Teeth After Tooth Loss

The following video shows the movement of adjacent teeth to that area after tooth loss. After tooth loss, the adjacent teeth move to the empty area, and after tooth extraction, an implant or bridge should be made instead of the extracted tooth. 

What to Do After Tooth Extraction?

Our Dental Clinic is in Gebze

Our Dental Clinic is located in Gebze District of Kocaeli. It is close to Darıca, Bayramoğlu, Çayırova, Dilovası.

View our Dental Clinic (Gebze) on map >>>


  1. Dt. Aysegul Ozturk, Lifelong Oral and Dental Health, Ema Medical Bookstore Publishing, 2021
  2. Other References
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